After our try-out on Thursday, we decided that the result for Sunday would be „just“ the the audiowalks from Friday. Beforehand, we had planned to add a second layer on the audiowalks, but that would have required more time with consistent participant (which we did not have).
On Friday, we had 4 participants and we went right into the city with our audio-recorders. We did a little try-out: everybody walked for ten minutes from the same starting and ending point. The goal was to describe their route, what they are seeing, and, on top of that, their image of how this place looked like in ten years time. After these ten minutes we switched the devices and walked the route of another person — listening to their just recorded audiowalk. Already this had been great fun!
Then we decided upon a fixed route that would cross the border between the greek and turkish side. We split up in two groups and headed towards both starting points. Once both groups were ready, we started recording simultaneously, following the route, so that the two groups would meet at some point and then end where the other group had started. In the process, we lost two persons (for different reasons), and therefore ended up with 4 recordings in total.
Even this easy version proved to be a quite effective tool to explore the city and to become aware of different forms of perception. Simply clashing your way of seeing the city with somebody else’s instantly makes you question, and ultimately enrichen your own gaze onto the city. There is a lot of room to build up on this mechanic, and we are taking a lot of material and ideas back home.
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