From the 21st to the 30th of May 2018 we meet in Bern to discuss and formulate our conception of what we refer to as “truth”. The term is probably one of the most fundamental in philosophy and has seen… Weiterlesen →
After our trip to Nikosia we had only a few days at home until we took off for Uganda. We packed the same filming set: 2 FL tubes, a black backdrop, a camera. Our journey began in Uganda, where we… Weiterlesen →
After our try-out on Thursday, we decided that the result for Sunday would be „just“ the the audiowalks from Friday. Beforehand, we had planned to add a second layer on the audiowalks, but that would have required more time with… Weiterlesen →
Some workshops urgently need participants. Our’s doesn’t. Fortunately. For some reasons, the Urban Emptiness Festival is lacking an audience. This left us with a total number of 0 participants for our second workshop. Those who had signed up did not… Weiterlesen →
The first days here were very intense. We were exploring the last divided city in Europe by walking our feet off. It is crazy and bizarre to show your passport each time you want to cross the so called „green… Weiterlesen →
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